Debbie Moore and Pineapple have always been involved with helping numerous charities and community projects.
The existing Pineapple Community mission assists in educating local communities by building partnerships with schools and social groups to get more young people to Dance.
In 2014 Debbie will further her commitment to the community by introducing her U.K. Schools Roadshow Dance Initiative.
Leanne Pero, who was previously mentored by Debbie, will head up this exciting new project.
September 2014 saw the launch of one of Debbie's ultimate visions, to share the love of Pineapple and Dance in schools all over the UK!
After identifying 9 schools - all in different parts of the country - Debbie offered ten weeks of FREE Dance tuition for each school and a Free visit to Pineapple HQ in London in December 2014!
The main aims of these workshops are:
to highlight the benefits of dance as an alternative to traditional sports.
to build on the Olympic legacy in contributing to the 'Health of a Nation'.
to offer an element of fun through physical activity.
To encourage a healthy lifestyle through the discipline of dance to support and improve co-ordination and other skills.